Our Products

A healthy plant starts with a healthy soil.
Our products contain only organic ingredients. This results in products that have a low salinity, preventing your plants from burning. They enrich the soil with essential microorganism, fungi and nutrients. Resulting in resilient plants, that have everything available to them for optimal growth and carrying rich fruits. The products come with an Active Soil Guide, to guide you on every step of your way to create an active, living soil.


Liquid Start

25 ml

Liquid Start contains microorganisms and nutrients to support the germination phase of your plants. It’s origin comes from a specific fermentation process to upgrade residual plant material, resulting in high measures of spore elements and natural sugars. Liquid Start is a perfect start to support soil life and a healthy plant growth for your seedlings.

Ingredients: humified grape extract, plant extracts


Active Start

250 gr

Active Start is a fermented grape must in which all microorganisms, plantgrowth hormones and minerals like magnesium and selenium are preserved. This creates a foundation for healthy, active life in the soil. It promotes a better uptake of minerals and prevents the loss of nitrates. The bacteria in Active Start make your plants more resilient. Add Active Start to the soil for the growing and flowering phase of your plants. 

Ingredients: humified grape must


Active Network

25 gr

Active Network is a powder that contain spores of different strains of mycorrhizal fungi. They start a symbiotic relationship with the roots of your plant: they mobilize nutrients which are hard for the plant to absorb such as phosphate and in return they receive energy, glucose from the plant. Active Network introduces these mycorrhizal allies to your soil, which supports the resilience of the plant and catalyzes powerful growth of the plants.

Ingredients: humin powder, seaweed extract, fulvic powder, rhizobacteria, mycorrhizal spores


Earth Base

250 gr

Earth Base is a mixture of different nutrients like Guano, lava dust powder, worm castings and other natural elements. It enriches the soil with organic fertilizers, minerals and elements. Providing essential building blocks for your plants. Add Earth Base to the soil at the start of the growing phase, for optimal plant growth and flowering.

Ingredients: guano, seaweed powder, palm tree ashes, lava dust powder and worm castings


Active Balance

10 gr

Active Balance consists of bacteria which promote a healthy bacterial environment in the soil. This helps plants to protect themselves against uninvited guests like certain harmful fungi and bacteria. Healthy bacteria in the soil help mobilize nutrients for uptake by the plant as well as making the plant more resilient to abiotic stress. Add Active Balance to the water during the growing and fruiting phase of your plants to optimize healthy bacterial soil life throughout the whole lifecycle of your plant. 

Ingredients: glucose, fulvin, seaweed extract, rhizobacteria and fungi


Liquid Earth

500 ml

The sugar molasses in Liquid Earth are made out of beets and potato starch. They enrich the soil with available sugars which stimulate life in the soil and provide extra minerals and nutrients. Add Liquid Earth to the water during the fruiting phase of your plants to keep your soil life healthy and active. 

Ingredients: beetroot extract, potato extract, amino acid


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